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​IMAI Kei Exhibition

Almost a month

2021. 6.22 (Tue) - 7.10 (Sat)

Gallery Soumei-do is pleased to present "Almost a month", a solo exhibition of IMAI Kei. Offering high-quality prints to collectors and museums around the world, Gallery Soumei-do is thrilled to be showcasing IMAI Kei in her solo exhibition.
The screenprint works are simple, but the medium, moisture, and studied application of the printing process create a combination of tension and accident. The works strongly reflect the artist's refined aesthetic sense, but they are also created in such a way that each time you view them, you will discover something new. Please take this opportunity to visit the gallery and feel Imai's world view.
We hope you visit us and enjoy the exhibition.

ギャラリーそうめい堂は、今井恵(いまい けい)の個展を開催いたします。今井恵は、シルクスクリーンを刷る際に加えられるメディウム、水分、そして研究された刷り加減によって、シンプルな形状に緊張感と偶発性を同居させた作品を多く制作しています。作品には洗練された作家の美意識が強く反映されており、鑑賞するたびに新しい発見があるのもその魅力の一つ。高い感度で選ばれたモチーフや支持体から、版表現の可能性も感じ取れることでしょう。是非ご高覧下さい


 6. 22 Tue - 7. 10 Sat








AAIP-Artist as independent publishers (ヴェーザーブルク現代美術館)


KODAI selected Artists with MJ (Maruei-do Japan)


Soak into the calm(WATERMARK arts and crafts)


The academy of fine arts and design in Bratislava (ブラティスラヴァ美術大学)


Shotai展 SO fine art editions (アイルランド)


 浜松市美術館版画大賞展 奨励賞受賞 (浜松市美術館)


南島原市セミナリヨ現代版画展 ひまわりテレビ賞 (南島原市ありえコレジヨホール)


conversations: HOME (gallery ELL、ロンドン)


第3回NBC国際シルクスクリーンビエンナーレ 入選


アートストリーム 2006 FM802賞 (港町リバープレイス)

​Web Exhibition

Almost a month

2020年 4月7日 - 5月 6日の約1ヶ月間





7.APR 6pm

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9.APR 4 pm

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 10.APR 8 am

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 11.APR 9:30 am

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12.APR 3 pm

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13.APR 10 am

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14.APR 8 am

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15.APR 9 pm

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19.APR 5 pm

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20.APR 9 pm

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 21.APR 3 pm

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22.APR 10 pm

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23.APR 2 pm

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25.APR 6pm

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26.APR 2 pm

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27.APR 10 am

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28.APR 8 pm

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29.APR 8 am

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30.APR 10:30 pm

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1.MAY 10:45 am

IK030 19 今井恵 almost a month 1 MAY 10 45

2.MAY 6:30 pm

IK031 19 今井恵 almost a month 2 MAY 6 30 p

3.MAY 10 pm.

IK032 19 今井恵 almost a month 3 MAY 10 pm.

4.MAY 8 pm

IK033 19 今井恵 almost a month 4 MAY 8 pm.j

5.MAY 8 pm

IK034 19 今井恵 almost a month 5 MAY 8 pm.j

6.MAY 3 pm

IK035 19 今井恵 almost a month 6 MAY 3 pm.j

Pattern (brown)








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