年代 : 天保1 - 3年
サイズ : 26.5 × 39 cm(シートサイズ)
限定 : -
技法 : 木版画
詳細 : シート価格 / メトロポリタン美術館所蔵作品を再版 / 元タトウ付 / UKIYO-E PROJECT版 / 複製制作は2022年
額装 : ご相談下さい
旅に憧れる江戸の人々の間に「旅ブーム」と「名所絵ブーム」が重ねて到来し、「役者絵」や「美人絵」が中心だった浮世絵に「名所絵」という大きなジャンルが確立することになりました。名所絵の中で最も有名な浮世絵は、北斎の「神奈川沖浪裏」と言っても過言ではありません。北斎の構図は、大浪に翻弄されて船にしがみ付く押送船の船頭達を、大きな浪の裏から、小さな冨士が静かに見守る。大浪よりも冨士のほうが遥かに大きな存在であるが、あえて、 冨士を小さく描くことによって、冨士の大きな存在感を表現しています。
UKIYO-E PROJECTではメトロポリタン美術館に所蔵されている、初摺に近く、保存状態の良い『冨嶽三十六景』のうち 「神奈川沖浪裏」を参考に復刻致しました。
UKIYO-E PROJECTは、その浮世絵のスタンスを現代にいかしたいという考えのもと、2014年三井悠加により発足された現代の版元であり、現代のスターや風景を伝統木版画で表現している。
Title: The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (Reproduction)
Artist: Hokusai
Date: 1830 - 32
Size: 26.5 × 39 cm (Sheet size)
Edition: -
Technique: Woodblock print
Detail: Price not including the framing cost / Reproduction of work from the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Includes original folder / UKIYO-E PROJECT edition / Reproduction created in 2022
Frame: Please Ask
Publisher's Comment
In the late Edo period, it was filled with travel information such as maps of famous places and road guides.
A “travel boom” and a “meisho-e (landscape print) boom” arrived at the same time among the people of Edo who yearned for travel, and a major genre of meisho-e was established in ukiyo-e, in which it was mainly centered on “yakusha-e (actor prints)” and “bijin-e (beautiful women prints)”. It is no exaggeration to say that Hokusai's "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" is the most famous ukiyo-e among the meisho-e. In Hokusai's composition, boats are tossed by the big waves, and the boatmen cling onto them helplessly, while Mt. Fuji quietly watches the scene from the waves. It is a much bigger existence than “The Great Wave”, but by daring to draw Mt. Fuji small, he was able to express its big presence.
The woodblocks required to print “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” are 1 main block and 2 color blocks (using the front and back), totaling 3 woodblocks. One work is completed by printing five sides of the woodblocks in total.
At the time, publishers were particular about minimizing the number of woodblocks (in order to keep the budget down) and also on completing good works, and Hokusai came up with a composition that still fascinates the world with just three woodblocks. Hokusai's "The Great Wave off Kanagawa", which has been stripped of unnecessary elements and is minimalistic yet powerful, has a charm that you will not get tired of looking at it for a long time.
UKIYO-E PROJECT produced a reproduction of ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’ from "Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji", which is based on the print owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, that is close to the first edition and is well preserved.
Gallery Commentary
The term 'Ukiyo' in Ukiyo-e means 'the present' or 'modern times,' and Ukiyo-e artworks historically depicted popular beauties, kabuki actors, and tourist spots from their respective eras.
The UKIYO-E PROJECT, established in 2014 by Mitsui Yuka, is a contemporary print publisher that seeks to bring the spirit of Ukiyo-e into the modern age, capturing contemporary stars and landscapes through traditional woodblock printing techniques.
This new endeavor, which creates fresh demand for Ukiyo-e artisans and ensures the transmission of their techniques to future generations, has been highly acclaimed worldwide. The works are held in collections such as the British Museum, the Museum of Applied Arts in Austria, and the University of Miami Libraries.
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