そうめい堂 コンテンポラリーに山地 直輝(やまじ なおき)の作品が加わりました。
山地 直輝は日本で油絵を学んだのち、2016年に渡欧。現在はオランダに拠点を置き制作活動を行っています。
Yamaji Naoki has joined Soumei-do Contemporary.
In 2016, Yamaji Naoki moved to Europe after studying oil painting in Japan. He is currently based in the Netherlands.
Yamaji has focused on his own Japaneseness, which became apparent during his life in Europe. As a result, he began to think objectively about society and its people from a uniquely Japanese perspective.
In his works, he depicts a fusion of humans and machines. While they have a dystopian aspect, they also have a sense of humor and strangeness.
Yamaji shows us one form of the relationship between humans and technology.
Artist page is here.